Tuesday, 6 March 2007

tip of the hat...

Number 2. Finally! Great news – my wife has passed her driving test. I am now a free man. Or am I? You see, I no longer have to drive her around – but I’ll probably no longer have the car. Although my wife works next door, I’m sure she’ll begin to drive to work. We’ll have to wait and see. Mind you, I don’t think I’ll have to go shopping now – nice! But does not being sole driver anymore take away a part of my masculinity? In this age of equal opportunities and female pride it seems that there is less and less that makes a man a man. Being able to drive was a man thing. Now anyone can do it. Oh well.

I guess my free man theory is a bit ropey.


Sammy Davies said...

I think its a sad state in our churches when our 'male' leaders have wives that can drive. You also gave away the fact that your wife works!?!?

What would Driscoll do???

RBk Schoolswork said...
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RBk Schoolswork said...

Hi Jonathan,
Found you through The blue fish blog.
Will pop into the blog to see/hear what you're saying
met on CE conference

Henrietta said...

Jonathan Thomas! Here I am again, popping up randomly in your life! I have my Japanese driving test next week. Does Becca want to pop over to do it for me? im sure they wouodnt notice. blond hair, western face - just the same as my passport picture! well glad you seem well and all that and maybe you can pop into my church office one day here in kyoto.... when i have one!

Tim Carter said...


Enjoying the reading, but word of warning; Becca's Driving.
Our generation needs men that will faithfully preach the gospel, like you. We can't afford for you to be killed prematurely by my sister driving the wrong way round a roundabout!